Daniels Equity Push

At the September school board meeting, Lorita Daniels stated in no uncertain terms that she supports equity. Equity is not equality of opportunity. Equity is equality of outcome. Equity promotes mediocrity and is a disincentive for high student achievement. Lorita Daniels believes in these California values.

  • Equity is the lie that giving a student a 50 instead of a zero for a missed assignment somehow makes the student better.
  • Equity is the lie that we must remove more advanced level classes because minority students are underrepresented in those classes.
  • Equity is the lie that says when a student of minority background gets low grades because they do not study or pay attention in class, it’s not their fault.

We have seen these California values spread across the country. Lying Lorita Daniels, Crackpot Carol Medawar, Nasty Nicole, and the rest of the Wokeys want to push this ideology onto children. Here are some recent articles on equity.




Crackpot Carol Loves the NEA

Here is an audio recording of Spotsylvania County School Board Candidate Carol Medawar in her own words stating her association with the NEA. The NEA is the same organization that pushes woke ideology onto kids, works against parental rights, and is against children. Medawar has since deleted this recording on her youtube channel. We covered how vile the NEA and their supporters are in an earlier article – https://spotsywire.com/2022/07/21/the-sea-problem-in-spotsy/

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

A picture is worth a thousand words. The local politicians that share San Francisco values are all pictured together – Lorita Daniels, Deborah Frazier, Carol Medawar, Ben Litchfield, Joel Griffin, Jannan Holmes (fredericksburg city school board), Josh Cole, and Elizabeth Guzman. Guzman is the state delegate from northern virginia that proposed legislation in late 2022 to prosecute parents who refuse to treat their children as the opposite sex. That is correct. Google it for details. These people in this picture are not moderates. They are all supportive of San Francisco values. Birds of a feather flock together !

The Woke Meltdown, Part 1

Anti-child far-left activists spent this past weekend holding meetings to coordinate attacks against conservatives on the Spotsylvania County School Board. When the school board meeting was cancelled on Monday, many on the left had a meltdown on social media. It disrupted their coordinated attacks.

Below are screenshots of two zoom meetings from this past weekend setup by far-left anti-child activists. School Board candidate Carol Medawar, Riverbend High school teacher Nicole McCloskey, and Caitlin Bennett attended. Screenshots are below. We heard Nasty Nicole attended this meeting too.

  • Crackpot Carol was one of the higher ups in the National Education Association (NEA). She lost her school board races in Stafford County before setting up residency in Spotsylvania County.
  • Maniac McCloskey is a teacher at Riverbend High School. She is an activist teacher that used to comment frequently on Spotsy Wire before we placed her in time-out for bad behavior.
  • Caitlin Bennett is the campaign manager for far-left senate candidate Ben Leachfield, the Septic Drane Field. Leachfield’s far left views are a danger to students.

The SEA Problem in Spotsy

The Spotsylvania Education Association (SEA) is a teacher’s “union” that promotes partisan left issues. Below are screenshots of the SEA Facebook page. The first screenshot shows SEA members attending the National Education Association (NEA) convention in Chicago. The second screenshot shows SEA promoting labor unions.

SEA is associated with the radical leftist NEA organization. The NEA is the same organization that proposed a resolution to change “mother” to “birthing parent”. Redefining words is both Orwellian and comical. SEA members include many teachers in the Spotsylvania County school division. Is it any wonder why parents in Spotsylvania County are concerned about indoctrination instead of education?

SEA is a union that does not have collective bargaining powers. Hopefully it stays that way. The problem with public sector unions that hold collective bargaining powers is that they bargain against the taxpayer. Union dues are spent to elect pro-union politicians. Those same pro-union politicians negotiate with the same union for taxpayer dollars which in turn pays the union. This corrupt circular cycle continues on and on and on.